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Huibao International A, Beijing Street 19-3, Shenhe District, Shenyang
Tel:+86 24 22733512

Location:Index > YoPair

Nihao Hello

Update:2015-02-03 11:11:00Click:6359
Hello, Nihao


My name is Pearl and I am 22 years-old from South Africa. I decided to take part in the Language Volunteer Program and have been in China for 5months. I am happy to say that so far I am having the time of my life!

Before coming to China I was afraid that almost everything, from food, language, culture and even time zones would be different. I did however quickly learn that change in more than one form is good. I came to China knowing only how to say “Ni hao” and I had also never eaten any Chinese food (not to mention using chopsticks). I also had very little knowledge of the Chinese culture and it’s people. So one could assume that I would have a hard time settling in but this was not the case.

I found that I had chosen the right program for me. Ms Wei and her team are very helpful especially when it comes to cultural shock. I was quickly taught basic things like using chopsticks, using basic Mandarin phrases to help me get by in my new Chinese life and was welcomed warmly into my city, Shenyang. I was also quickly introduced to other foreigners who were doing the same program as me and we all became a family, together with Ms Wei and her staff.

What I like about the Language Volunteer Program is that it is a good combination between teaching English, learning Chinese both speaking and writing and interacting with a Chinese Family while also meeting other foreigners around the world and making good friendships with them. I teach basic English to young children in a really fun way using flashcards,English games,singing English songs and so on. Chinese children are very warm and loving, often giving lots of hugs and kisses. They are also very smart and often grasp the words so quickly.

I attend EANNA Mandarin courses and also have some university’s classes, There are Listening Comprehension classes, Language Skills classes and Chinese Characters classes. Having such a variety of classes makes it helpful to learn Chinese and not to mention that Ms Wei and her staff always help me with my Chinese when I visit them in the office.

The other foreigners are also very nice and welcoming. We have all become a family and I now have friends from all over the world namely Italy, Germany, Ecuador, Spain and not forgetting China. This has allowed me to learn more cultures making this a great cultural exchange program. Chinese people are also very welcoming when it comes to foreigners so we often find ourselves getting asked to take pictures with many Chinese people when we walk in the streets.  

Come and join me in China for a life changing experience. This is a great way to build your strengths and help you improve your personal weaknesses while growing and becoming more independent. It also teaches you to communicate differently and understand different kinds of children and people. 

My Birthday!

We had a trip with host families

Address:Huibao International, 19-3 Beijing Street, Shenhe District, ShenyangTel:0086-24-22733512Fax:0086-24-22733512

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