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Au Pair Award

Update:2015-02-03 11:16:00Click:22966
EANNA Au Pair has a chance to apply for Au Pair Award of IAPA and CAPA.

Au Pair Award

Information of IAPA Au Pair of the Year 

. The nomination consist from an essay written by the host family, describing the characteristics that make their au pair exceptional. The essay should be between 500-850 words (approximately 1 page). The essay should only describe the experience, without referring to the name of either sending/receiving agency. The additional details are provided through the online submission form and are not a part of the review process.

. We are looking for compelling reasons why the host family believes their au pair is exceptional.

. To ensure fairness and objectivity by the selection panel, the names of the au pair and the sending/receiving organisation/s will not appear on contest entries.

. All contest entries will become property of the International Au Pair Association, including rights to edit and publish the material.

. The winning au pair will be notified by IAPA.

Information of CAPA Au Pair of the Year 

. Apply for the Au Pair Award in August, CAPA vote in it in September, and award it in CAPA conference in October each year.

. Each CAPA member can nominate one au pair for Au Pair China, and one au pair for Au Pair Abroad.

. The application item include two essays, one essay written by the au pair and another one essay written by the au pair's host family.

. The essay should be between 500-850 words (approximately 1 page). The essay should only describe the experience, without referring to the name of either
sending/receiving agency, and the city of the host family.

. We are looking for compelling reasons why the host family believes their au pair is exceptional, and what the au pair got out of the experience. CAPA board will elect one au pair from the essays.

. To ensure fairness and objectivity by the selection panel, the names of the au pair and the sending/receiving organisation/s will not appear on contest entries.

. All contest entries will become property of the China Au Pair Association, including rights to edit and publish the material.

. The winning au pair will be notified by CAPA.

. CAPA invites the winning au pair to attend to CAPA Conference, CAPA will provide 1000RMB bounty for the trip.

Address:Huibao International, 19-3 Beijing Street, Shenhe District, ShenyangTel:0086-24-22733512Fax:0086-24-22733512

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