The Au Pair China Program is an international cultural exchange program.
Overview of the "Au Pair China Program”
The Au Pair China Program is an international cultural exchange program adhering to the tradition of Au-Pair Cultural Exchange established from the late 19th century where a host family and an Au-Pair share family life and conduct exchange activities as family members. The program is developed and operated by Au-PairChinaagencies under the initiative of the International Au-Pair Association in accordance with the framework and guiding principles of international Au-Pair programs with Chinese background characteristics taken into consideration.
An "Au Pair China" is defined as:
A young person from a foreign country aged 18 to 29 who is involved in a Chinese family's daily life as a family member in order to understand and learn the Chinese language and culture in China and helps the family to accompany, take care of and educate their children as well as to do some simple housework and for whom the host family shall provide three daily meals, a separate room and pocket money. The Au-Pair shall leaveChinabefore the expiration of their valid visa if he/she has not obtained other legal Chinese visas after completing the program.
Prerequisites for an Au-PairChina:
-Aged 18-29 (arriving inChinaprior to the 30th birthday)
-Unmarried; without a child
-Having a high school diploma or higher degree
-No criminal record
-Physically and mentally healthy
- Interested in Chinese culture and life
-Fond of accompanying and taking care of children and experienced in child care
A "Host family" is defined as:
A family composed of at least one adult and one child (aged 0-18) that is willing to invite a foreign Au-Pair to the family as a family member in order to learn a foreign language, understand foreign culture and help the Au-Pair understand Chinese life and culture while living together. Prerequisites for a host family:
-Family members are physically and mentally healthy with good economic conditions
-Having at least two family members, including children 0-18 years
-Able to provide three free daily meals and a separate room for the Au-Pair
-Able to provide subsidies for some costs and pocket money (in accordance with the relevant provisions of CAPA) for the Au-Pair
-Regard the Au-Pair as a family member and understand and respect foreign culture and customs
-Willing to exchange culture and language with the Au-Pair
-Comply with the rules under the CAPA program and (and supervise the foreign Au-Pair's compliance with) Chinese law and regulations