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IAPA Au Pair

Update:2015-06-12 13:46:56Click:19173
Au Pair of the Year winner is awarded by International Au Pair Association each year.

PROaupair's Au Pair of the Year winner Robert Isemer was awarded the International Au Pair Association's Au Pair of the Year Award 2016.  Robert, a 27 year old German professional au pair with a degree in sports medicine and early childhood education spent a year living with the Thurman family of Ashland, Virginia. Caring for 10 year old Alex who has special needs. During his year, he touched the lives of his host family and the entire community.

Meet PROaupair’s Professional Au Pair of the Year Robert

Essay of Birte Klusmann (2012 IAPA Au Pair)

How can I describe so many unforgettable moments I experienced while I was an Au Pair in Australia.

I love to think about all the incredible adventures and funny little situations. When I look back I always remember the warm welcoming feeling when I saw my host family for the first time. It was Keira’s 3rd birthday party (I quickly had a huge butterfly drawn on my face) and as soon as I saw Sean, Sara and the kids it felt so comfortable being around them. I never had a second thought that this would not work out. The more time we spent together (family outings, playing games, talking, special girls outings… ) the more I got to know them and the more I got attached to them. I loved getting up in the morning, go upstairs and see the kids running at me asking if we could make German waffles for breakfast or if we could just play together. I will always remember Kyler asking me: ‘Are you happy, B?’ – And I answered him ‘Yes, I am’. (Because it was the truth) I was happy about everything– it was like being home! His kind and enthusiastic personality always cheered me up. Keira and I had our very own girl’s connection. After the twins were born Keira would hold my hand and tell everyone that the two of us were also twins. In the beginning, I wasn't sure how disciplining the kids would work coming from someone new, but it was very natural. Kyler and Keira seemed comforted that I held them to the boundaries they were used to. Sean and Sara helped me with that a lot. We worked like a team: They accepted me from the first day, responded to me and respected my opinions and techniques with the kids. I could always ask them how they would usually react in a certain situation. Kyler, Keira and I loved to play, to draw, to paint, to sing, to dress up and to do “silly things” together but they also respected me when I had to correct their behavior. At night when the kids were all asleep Sara, Sean and I were sitting on the couch talking (about everything), laughing, doing quizzes and eating cookies. Having Sara as my best friend, someone I could always (!) talk to, and being part of this family helped me in so many situations – I never felt alone in a country where I hardly knew anyone. When I first learned that Sara was pregnant with twins I didn’t really know what to expect. But now, looking back, I can say it was an amazing experience to be around for Aidan and Isaac’s arrival and first months. It was a huge change in the beginning and I am still impressed with how great Sara and Sean handled the whole situation. (When I visited them for Christmas again the twins had grown so much – unbelievable that I have known them from their first day on.) 

During my time in Australia, I took a few days off and flew up to Darwin. I drove down to Alice Springs with a group of backpackers– to see the real Outback. I really enjoyed my trip. While I was gone the older kids counted the days until I came back (and so did I). Every night they called me before they went to bed to say “Gute Nacht” (I tried to teach them some German). When it was time to leave Australia in August it was really hard to say good-bye (lots of crying) but I visited them for Christmas and I got introduced to many more members of this great family (My German family is very small but now I am also part of a big American family) And I am even more excited to see them this summer again. I miss them every single day! I am just so thankful for the time we spent together (so far) but at the same moment I know that nothing would have been the same if I hadn’t gotten connected with the loving, kind and caring Bess family. I learned so much while I was overseas, from dealing with driving on the left side (didn’t always work perfectly!), being away from home to the fact how important it is to always do your best whenever you can.

And now I am studying to be a primary school teacher in a couple of years. It was always my dream to work with kids and being an Au Pair reassures me that it was the right choice. It helps me in so many ways to understand the children and to interact with them as best as I can. This whole experience was beyond wonderful!

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