In this unit on supervision, you will learn how to actively supervise the children you will care for. The learning goals of this unit include:
In this unit on supervision, you will learn how to actively supervise the children you will care for. The learning goals of this unit include:
- understanding how many children an au pair can safely care for
- identifying the primary causes of accidents and injury for each age group
- learning to prevent accidents from happening through active supervision
- learning techniques to actively supervise children
Topic 1 – primary causes of accidents and injury
Each age group is at risk for different accidents and injuries. It is important that you are able to recognize and prevent common accidents.
Since infants do not move much, their injuries are generally caused by neglect or carelessness. Never leave an infant alone on a changing table, bed or any raised surface. Always hold an infant with two hands, supporting the head and neck. Never hold an infant without support. A newborn infant cannot hold her head up on her won and you will need to make sure this supported so she can breathe properly.
Children under the age of 4 have more accidents than any other age group. Toddlers are most commonly injured by putting things in their mouths. Keep all household cleaners and chemicals out of reach or in a cupboard with a safety latch. Do not leave small objects like coins, batteries, jewelry or paperclips on a counter where a toddler can reach them.
School-aged children
Older children are prone to fails from playground equipment and sports. Stay close to older children as they play to prevent fails. Do not let children climb on furniture. Make sure children always wear a helmet and the appropriate pads when riding bike, skateboards and scooters.
Topic 2- supervision of active play
Engaging children and supporting their play is called active supervision. Each year, 200,000 children are injured on playgrounds. Never talk on the phone or use the computer when you are supposed to be watching the children. Watch for suspicious people when you are out in public with the children. Never accept a ride from someone you do not know. If you see someone suspicious, take the children away and call for help.